Dunure Road Underpass

The missing link between Alloway/Burton cycle path and NCN7 Greenan to Ayr town centre.

The proposal is to reopen the old railway tunnel to connect the cycle paths and replace the unsafe road crossings.

Find out more by watching a short video here

South Ayrshire Council approves construction of underpass

On 11th December 2018 South Ayrshire Council agreed to go-ahead with construction of the underpass at Dunure Road, Doonfoot to create a safe link between the cycle paths, subject to successful external funding applications.

This is a complex project that will take about 2 years to complete – year 1 for diversion of mains utilities, year 2 for underpass construction.

Construction is expected to take place during the quieter months of the farm and holiday parks to minimise disruption from any road closures.

Assuming successful funding applications, work should start in 2019.

Thanks to Ayrshire Roads Alliance, Police Scotland, Alloway and Doonfoot Community Council, walkers, cyclists for their support, in particular Councillor Siobhian Brown for her determined effort to resolve the safety issues at the current crossing.

Alloway/Burton Cycle Path

On one side of Dunure Road there is a popular 2 mile traffic free tarmac all abilities shared use path from Maybole Road, Alloway, Ayr. It follows the dismantled Maidens and Dunure Light Railway line and links housing estates and the Robert Burns Birthplace Museum.

NCN7 Greenan to Ayr town centre

On the other side of Dunure Road there is another popular virtually traffic free tarmac all abilities shared use path passing near Greenan Castle, then along by Ayr beach. Recent improvements make for a safe and attractive 3 mile journey to Ayr town centre.

Dunure Road Crossing

The above paths meet at the 60mph Dunure Road. This is the missing link between two excellent traffic free paths.

The lack of a safe crossing is a barrier to many users.

This is actually two dangerous crossings

As users exit the Alloway/Burton cycle path they need to listen for traffic that may turn left into the side road at a blind junction.

Then they have a few seconds to cross Dunure Road if a car approaches over the blind summit.

Note: This side road has since been blocked to vehicles.

GREEN line is Alloway/Burton path, RED is NCN7. YELLOW line is proposed old railway underpass route. BLUE line is a future proposal.

Dunure Road Underpass

The proposal is to reopen the Dunure Road underpass that was part of the Maidens and Dunure Light Railway to link two popular traffic free paths and create a safe and easy passageway for users of all abilities including unsupervised young children, limited mobility users and families.

Alternative proposals

We consider reopening the railway tunnel to be the only safe option. Due to the topography of the area and driver behaviour other options like traffic calming, 30mph speed limit, Toucan crossing, over-bridge, speed camera will not solve the safety issues.

SAPI supports the reopening of the underpass

The community group South Ayrshire Paths Initiative supports Ayrshire Roads Alliance and South Ayrshire Council’s ambitions to reopen the underpass and link these paths to form a 5 mile scenic all abilities path that is safe and attractive from end to end for locals and visitors.